Caring for your sensitive teeth

Caring for your sensitive teeth

Do you cringe at the thought of a hot or cold drink? Does ice cream make your teeth hurt just looking at it? It may be time to face the possibility that you could have sensitive teeth. To avoid those pesky tooth twinges we’ve collected some tips to keep your sensitive teeth happy!

Take it easy when brushing 

Over time, brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down your enamel and increase your teeth’s sensitivity. Switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush and practicing side-to-side brushing right at the gum line can help prevent wear and tear. 

Avoiding damaging foods and drinks 

Ditch harmful foods and drinks that attack your enamel, such as soda, sticky candies and high-sugar carbs. Try incorporating more fibre-rich fruits and veggies, cheeses, milk and yogurt into your diet which will moisten your mouth and help fight bacteria that can eat away at your teeth. If you do eat something acidic, don’t rush to your brush. Try and wait an hour or so to strengthen your teeth before you scrub them. 

Unclench your teeth

Teeth grinding or clenching is just another way our bodies react to stress. If this issue is left unchecked it can cause tooth sensitivity which can add to your stress and cause quite a bit of pain. The damage typically happens slowly over time and can cause tiny cracks in the enamel of your teeth. Sometimes addressing your stress can be enough to solve this issue. However, if that doesn’t work, your dentist can fit you for a splint or mouth guard. If the issue becomes severe, you may need dental work to change your teeth’s position or a muscle relaxant. 

Take a break from bleaching

Achieving pearly whites artificially can have its downsides and the sensitivity of your teeth is one of them. A possible side effect after getting your teeth whitened is sensitivity, which is most often caused by the bleaching solution used. The solution can remove minerals within the enamel and cause it to become temporarily porous, exposing your teeth. 

Treating your sensitive teeth

Once you’ve been able to find the problem, there are things your dentist can do to help ease your pain. Some of these treatments include:

  • Using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth 
  • Fluoride gel
  • Fillings that cover exposed roots 
  • Sealants
  • Desensitizing pastes 
  • Mouthguard to protect your sensitive teeth if you grind

It’s important not to shy away from dental care when it comes to tooth pain or sensitivity. Ignoring the issue can make things a lot worse. Continue brushing and flossing twice a day and make sure to schedule regular visits with your dentist!

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